Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium Terbaru

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium merupakan sebuah software yang di dedikasikan untuk mengontrol atau memusnahkan malware di komputer windows kita. yang mana apabila malware sudah terinfeksi di komputer. Bisa merusak software-software maupun operating system komputer.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium ini bisa dijadikan alternatif tambahan anti virus utama yang mana mungkin kurang maksimal. atau kurang yakin terhadap kemampuan anti virusnya. namun dengan kembali saran. jangan gunakan banyak progran Security untuk membasmi virus. karena di sisi lain dapat bentrok. bisa juga malah memberatkan beban kinerja komputer.
kalo anda merasa cukup 1 anti virus . ya sudah 1 aja dan memang kalo saya saran . cukup satu. namun kalo anti virus kita ringan. boleh di bebani anti virus tambahan Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium ini karena ini ringan. bagaimana atau mungkin memang menjadikan Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium ini sebagai program security tambahan yang di perhitungkan. sekarang saatnya anda mengupgrade versi terbaru.
  • Performance/protective capability
  • Several improvements to malware detection and remediation capabilities
  • Several performance improvements, including improving startup time, improving shutdown time on Windows
  • 7, addressing memory leaks and reducing CPU usage after a scan has completed
  • Added MS Publisher as a default Protected Application for anti-exploit protection
  • Fixed issue where a previously activated Premium license could be dropped incorrectly
  • Fixed issue where Malwarebytes version information would revert to default values of 3.0.0 in certain cases, such as when coming back from minimal safe mode
  • Fixed issue where ‘Real-Time Protection turned off’ notifications would display incorrectly on initial startup
  • Fixed problem where the ‘Check for updates every’ setting would get stuck at 14 days after changing frequency to ‘Days’
  • Fixed Help question marks throughout the main user interface so that they work when clicked
Stability/issues fixed
  • Addressed several crashes and blue screens, including the BSOD that could occur with Web Protection on Windows Insider Previews
  • Fixed the issue with Exploit Protection that caused Edge to crash/hang on Windows Insider Previews
  • Fixed issue when Exploit Protection was enabled that caused PowerPoint to not load
  • Fixed conditions that could lead to an ‘Unable to connect to service’ error
  • Fixed issue where exclusions did not work properly when there were associated threat traces detected
  • Fixed issue where Web Protection would not start up properly
  • Fixed numerous scan hangs or crashes, including one that could occur during heuristics phase
  • Numerous other fixes to improve overall program stability and usability.
Langkah Install dan Aktivasi nya mohon perhatikan
  • Apabila sebelumnya menginstall Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium versi 2
=> Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium 2
  • Silahkan di Uninstall terlebih dahulu,
  • Selanjutnya Install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium nya dengan cara
Doubleclick ” SilentInstall.kuyhAa.cmd“, pilih yes, akan muncul Cmd hitam
  • biarkan saja sampai menutup sendiri
  • dan jalankan malwarebytes dari shortcut desktop
  • enjoy full version
catatan penting:
Silahkan tambahkan Filehost ” HOST”, di rectory berikut
  • Pada Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, tambahkan directory host di atas seperti berikut
  • Enjoy full version
  • salam luar biasa
  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium DC 29.03.2017
    Size: 55 Mb
    => Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium Terbaru | via zippyshare

