Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Download FinePrint 9.10 Full Version Terbaru

FinePrint Final merupakan software yang dapat membantu anda dalam urusan dokument sebelum di cetak, software ini akan mengintegrasikan driver printer anda. setelah anda selesai menginstall dan merestart nya.  anda cukup merubah settingan setiap akan menginstall di microsoft word, ke fineprinter secara default, lalu di fineprinter anda dapat memodifikasinya kembali.

Dengan software ini juga anda dapat dengan mudah mengatur jenis warna grayscare, remove graphic, dan beberapa lainnya yang anda akan temukan. lebih jelasnya lihat tutorialnya yang di berikan dari lapak resminya


  • Preview of the printed pages with the ability to remove and insert new ones, change their order
  • Profiles save ink: the transformation of colored text in black and white, removing graphics
  • Print multiple pages (2/4/8) on a single sheet of paper
  • Print watermarks, headers and footers with the ability to specify the date, time, system variables or arbitrary text
  • Creating forms and letterhead
  • The possibility of combining different print jobs into a single document for ease of complex compound documents
  • Save pages and jobs to TIFF file formats, JPEG, BMP, TXT, and the FP, copy them to the clipboard as text, image or metafile
  • Duplex printing (also saves ink) and the creation of booklets
  • Scale large pages on standard paper sizes
  • Displays the number saved with FinePrint paper
  • Setting boundaries printing, creating indents for binding
  • Ability to create multiple virtual printers with FinePrint various presets for quick printing in standard mode
  • Can be used as a network printer


  • Save paper and ink
  • Printing booklets
  • Two-side print
  • Printing on one sheet of set page
  • Removing unwanted pages
  • Create electronic letterhead
  • Adding watermarks, headers, footnotes
  • Save in JPEG, TIF, BMP

What’s New:

  • fixed problems with the progress window that appears during lengthy operations
  • no longer get the location of the current user’s Documents folder from the registry
  • various bug fixes involving rotated pages and rotated notes
  • notes can now be easily increased or decreased in size with Ctrl Shift + and Ctrl Shift –
  • (Server Edition only) the list of servers on the Licensing tab now shows which server is the license server. you can reassign the license server by holding down the Ctrl key and right-clicking on a server in the list.

Langkah Install

  • Download, kemudian Extract, Wajib !!
  • kemudian langkah install nya
  • Doubleclick”Silent Install ( ENG )”, pilih yes ( jika ada )
  • lalu akan muncul command promt hitam, tunggu sampai menutup sendiri
  • Silahkan buka dokument misal Word, lalu pilih Print, dan pilih print nya FinePrinter
  • lalu setting sesuai kebutuhkan
  • done full version
  • salam luar biasa

Size: 5 Mb

=> FinePrint 9.10 Full Version Terbaru | via zippyshare

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