Thursday, 2 February 2017

Super Mario Run Brings New Mode and More Interesting Features

Nintendo’s first smartphone game, Super Mario Run just received an important update which brings a new mode to the table, entitled “Easy Mode” for those who just want to check out the game’s feature without having to worry too much about completing levels. Nintendo even called the new mode a “pressure-free” one.

Not only did the update bring the Easy Mode to the game but players are now able to lose less Toads when losing a level in the Toad Rally Mode. The update also gives some hints regarding new future events which will be soon mentioned by Nintendo pretty soon.

The guys from Nintendo raked in some pretty high profits as they’ve announced their first profit within this year. They’ve also stated the fact that Super Mario Run was downloaded a whopping 78 million times and considering the fact that the hit-game is only a month and a half old, the iOS platform sure did them some good in terms of earnings. Nintendo are sure to earn even more money as the game will see its Android release somewhere in March.
They’ve also released a statement regarding the fact that not all players are willing to pay $10 in order to have access to the full game and they have further mentioned that only five per cent of customers have paid the full sum of money to unlock all of the game’s features. These players made Nintendo about 6 billion Japanese Yen in profits.

Considering the success of Super Mario Run, Nintendo will launch a new game into the mobile device world, entitled Fire Emblem Heroes which will be launched Thursday on both iOS and Android platforms. Unlike its counterpart, the game will come with no charge in order to play it but future players will have the option of purchasing boosts within the app.

Just like the Nintendo Switch which will not be available in India, Fire Emblem Heroes will receive the same treatment and judging by the fact that India is one of the world’s major gaming consumers, they’re sure to reassess their marketing policies.

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