Monday, 29 August 2016

Download Apk Galaxy Care 1.8.12 | 16dotcom | New Apk | August 2016



Download Apk  Galaxy Care 1.8.12 | 16dotcom | New Apk | August 2016 - (Services offered the above vary by different country and region)

Samsung Members is designed to help you solve problems you come across while using Samsung Galaxy device.

- FAQ: Experience fast trouble shooting, Galaxy specialized FAQ provides descriptions of how to resolve problems with direct links to related setting pages.
- Ask questions: User question will be answered within 24 hours during business hours (can be delayed by circumstances.)
- Error report: The more errors have been reported, the better Galaxy will be.
- Community: Users can share their opinions or discuss various topics freely in this space.
- Device diagnosis: Users can check the hardware status of their devices as well as optimize device performance by cleaning RAM, storage usage with one touch.
- A/S center: help to find a service center location and make reservation for needed customers.
- Membership: Join membership program to experience various benefits for Galaxy users.

Link Download

Via Zippyshare           ===> Apk Galaxy Care 1.8.12

Via MirrorCreator     ===> Apk Galaxy Care 1.8.12

